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Re: UU pages mock-ups

Sergey wrote:
> Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh wrote:
>> Sergey wrote:
>>> Anatoly Volynets wrote:
>>>> Easy: nothing tragic happens (: Repository is the storage where
>>>> authors shop for suitable UMOs. That's it! Author's workbench is his
>>>> course, period. If he finds something in the Repository he, most
>>>> probably edits it, puts it in his course and feels happy.
>>> The question is how does he put it in his course(what if he wants to
>>> add problem to the test that belongs to this TLT(course)?).
>>> How do we know to what course to put an object which user just found
>>> using repository search?     
>> User can only work on one course at a time. This means you keep
>> current course/topic/etc. being edited in user's session.
> User may have bunch of courses, are you going to open a new session
> for each course?
No. They just can't work on more then one at a time.
> What if user just created new subtopic or test and wants to assign it
> to couple of his courses?
Again - other way around. User is working on his course, and adds few
problems to it.
If for some reason he wants to do what you just described, he'll just
have to open each course,
find a place where to add said object, and add it there.
We may provide some extra capability to repository browsing to make it
easier. I.E. remember
last object that was added to something by this user..
> Why would we have a course Repository anyway?
> Is user going to login each time for each course?
> Keeping bunch of ids in environment not a very pretty idea, are you
> going to keep all hierarchy in environment too?
Not sure I'm following you here.
> What if you want to display the whole tree, for breadcrumbs, for example?
Again - I don't know which tree are you talking about (catalog? course
> Run additional query on View object page?
> All queries(ideally) should be run and displayed on "Repository_View"
> template.
> Consistency is a huge factor when you deal with complicated UIs.
Very deep observation ;-)

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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