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Re: UU pages mock-ups

Sergey wrote:
> Anatoly Volynets wrote:
>> Easy: nothing tragic happens (: Repository is the storage where
>> authors shop for suitable UMOs. That's it! Author's workbench is his
>> course, period. If he finds something in the Repository he, most
>> probably edits it, puts it in his course and feels happy.
> The question is how does he put it in his course(what if he wants to
> add problem to the test that belongs to this TLT(course)?).
> How do we know to what course to put an object which user just found
> using repository search? 
User can only work on one course at a time. This means you keep
current course/topic/etc. being edited in user's session.
> Keep it in the environment while user is searching? What if he visited
> other courses/objects before doing an assignment?
Visited - maybe. Edited - no. If he opens another object for editing, he
closes current one.
(This may not be explicitly visible though. We can also keep stack of
open objects, where it is appropriate)
> How about  a validation of the assignment? Javascript won't help here,
> it will have to be done on the server side then.
> What does user do after he edits the object that he just found and
> want to assign it to any other object? Probably he sees the link that
> goes to exactly the same View All Repository page but with bunch of
> checkboxes and smart javascript that will validate assignment.
I don't think that's the best way. He doesn't assign these objects to
something random.
Instead he choses what to assign to first, then chooses what is being
assigned, and then (optionally)
edits it.
> Then we got back to where it started.
> It's not like Windows folder structure where you can have 2 widows
> with folders open and drug and drop whatever you want to where ever
> you want. 
hmmm.... now, don't start giving me ideas, or I'll make you write it all
as Java applet ;-)
> What I'm currently trying to do is to somehow emulate user's
> experience with folders. Of course it won't be that pretty, but I'll try.
We just need rough page-flow emulation with this. Of course it'll be
prettier and
easier in many ways with code.

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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