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Re: Database schema

Let's see what things are also editable during translation process.
Here is the page in the mock-ups that more or less demonstrates
Translator's work:

Things Translator translates:
1. UMO texts, breadcrumbs.
2. Custom defined things like Author's and Translator's names, difficulty
level names(which reminds me that this part is not reflected in the DB, at
least in the latest vesrion available for me).
3. Child UMOs titles(not available in the mock-ups page). To translate
them Translator jumps to the child UMO, goes to "edit mode" and translates
their titles.

Things UU translates(if the language that Translator uses available in UU,
otherwise it's not translated and displayed in default language):
1. "UU titles" - words like "Title", "Authors", etc.
2. "Linking bar" - section that helps Authors to link(linkto) UMOs.
3. Button names.
All strings that UU translates will be explicitly retrieved using our
translation tool.

So, I'm not sure I understand how this:

> that translation texts
> are not
> the only editable thing.

can be a problem with locking translations.
Please elaborate.

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