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Re: UMO users and Versions[was: Voting]

Table below shows what version of UMO different "User types" see _by_
_default_ in Repository and in their accounts. Also ability to
view(modify) other versions demonstrated.

V - all versions available to view
M - all versions available to modify
N - no other versions available to view

 UMO User Type |        Repository           |     User's Account     |
               | User's UMO*|  Any other UMO |                        |

 Student       |   latest   |     latest     |   the one he signed-up |
                     V               V                   N

 (Author or    |   latest   |     latest     |    his latest          |
 Translator)         V              V                   V,M

 Referrer      |   latest   |     latest     |    his latest          |
                     V              V                   V,M

* For Student "User's UMO" means the one he is studying. For Referrer  
"User's UMO" means the one he is referred to.

> We are clearly missing one important distinction in this discussion:
> there are different types of "UMO users":
> 1. Those who study it
> 2. Those who modify it
> 3. Those who reference it in their own UMOs
> 1. Student
> - Student only sees one version of UMO.
> - Once student starts studying that version, he is locked into it
>   (i.e. even if new version of UMO is created, student is still studying
> it)
> 2. Modifiers (Authors, Translators)
> - Obviously, authors and translators have full access to all versions of
> 3. Referrers (authors of another UMO)
> - They can browse all UMO versions
> - They decide which exact version to link their UMO to
> Please remember about these three categories of users,
> and please specify explicitly which one you are talking about
> in further discussion.
> --
> Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
> Total Knowledge. CTO
> http://www.total-knowledge.com

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