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Re: Teachers

There is a list of specific teacher rights in our spec:

Anatoly Volynets wrote:
> Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh wrote:
>> I am still not sure what we call "Teacher" in our system. From the very
>> beginning line between teacher and author wasn't very well defined.
>> My vision of "Teacher" role was pretty much "A person that checks
>> students' work, gives feedback, and generally interacts with students
>> in supporting manner" - in other words, support role. Probably "Expert"
>> role that we mentioned in spec is the same thing. I do not see "Teacher"
>> as author in any way. It is certainly possible for "Author" to be a
>> "Teacher"
>> at the same time, but these are two different roles, and neither implies the
>> other.
>> Reasoning:
>> 1. Simplify access checking
>> 2. Teacher doesn't normally need to modify course (in his teacher role).
>> If at any point he/she does, it's possible to either create own course based
>> on this one, or to talk to original Author and become a Co-author.
> There is a question here to be clarified. Teacher, generally speaking,
> is a user, who uses an UMO on-line for teaching, no matter what
> specifically this means. Probably, this role will become somewhat
> considerable after administrative block gets implemented. For now it is
> too little what teacher specifically does within uu, but let it be.

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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