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Re: UU Object Diagram

sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
Below are answers to previous comments regarding levels of difficulty.

People, the issue of an UMO difficulty level is new for me, although it
sounds interestingly. We never discussed it in general terms and there
is just one spot in specs where it mentioned (as far as I remember): it
is blocks of problems within one topic can be of different difficulty

Generally speaking, there can be different levels in one game. Surely,
exercises can be  more and less difficult  (one exercise on different
levels or different exercises depending on difficulty?). Courses can be
popular, say, normal, advanced, etc. Explanations are different as of
today, although they can differ on the basis of approach, but not
difficulty. Topics? - am not clear. Tests? - surely.  What else?

To sum up: we need to go through all UMOs and analyze them from this
stand point. Then we need to decide whether difficulty is a property of
the Study Object, or it is one for some objects only. From that point we
can proceed to our db and object  diagrams.

What do you think?

I think that level of difficulty should be a property of StudyObject and
be available for all UMOs under a course. This is imho the simpliest and
most generic way to look at proccess of study a course.
For example, I 've been studying C++ for quite some time already and I
have 2 C++ books right now(2 different levels of difficulty) - "C++ for
Dummies" and Stroustrup's "C++ Programming". At this point I use dummy
book with dummy topics(even topic titles are kind of dumn), dummy
explanations, dummy problems and dummy tests. If I want an advanced level
of, for example, an explanation, I'm not trying to find it in "C++ for
dummies". I switch books(levels of difficulty) within the same course
"Studying C++".

I believe the example tells about two different courses of different levels of difficulty.

To this point. If we decide to have the difficulty property in general,
the very next question is criteria. My first guess is the following: an
Author can mark an UMO as one of  the "next" or certain by number
difficulty level.  UU is to follow up it by checking this author's UMOs
of the same type and to  designate a number meaning difficulty level to
the UMO.  These numbers are "relative", that is they have to be
correlated somehow with difficulty levels of the UMOs of the same type
throughout Repository.

An author creates levels of difficulty on Course basis, then for each
child UMO he has an ability to create/update the UMO for any avilable
level of difficulty(presented as a set of radio buttons on each
create/view page in current HTML mockups).
If an author wants to add an UMO from the Repository to his Course, he
still we'll be asked to assign this UMO to one of the available for his
Course levels of difficulty by selecting a radio button even if that UMO
has it's own level of difficulty assigned to it by it's original author.

I am not sure I understood it correctly. It does not look reasonable that an author has free hand to set difficulty levels regardless what is going on in the Repository. What about my idea of two-part difficulty level?

One our work organizing thing: I wouldn't put any changes in the diagram before we agree on a comprehensive solution.

One more. Said correlation is, most probably, done by voting. Say,
community votes a problem block as difficult as "3". The author
designates it as the most easy to solve, level - 0. Its difficulty mark
then: 3-0. Something like this?

We have a UMO rating idea already, if a student thinks that the UMO
belongs to a different level of difficulty, he/she gives this UMO a poor
rating with comments.

All right, doesn't it need some reconsidering now? Let us all talk about the issue a little bit more.

Actually, the way I understood it, it supposed to be something like this:
- beginner
- intermediate
- advanced
- master

If we keep it that way - the implementation and use are pretty simple..

IMO authors should be able to create as many levels of difficulty as they
like and be able to add/delete them at any time.

Meaning author can reassign difficulty level? Am not sure about "not having any difficulty level" now. Probably. UU has to mention it somehow then.


Anatoly Volynets, Co-Founder

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