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Re: UU Object Diagram

(moving this over to UU list)

sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
> I looked at your diagrams and I have some questions/comments.
> 1. Regarding Levels of Difficulty.
> You mention it in your comments, here is the link(2nd paragraph):
> http://www.total-knowledge.com/progs/uu/archive/msg00178.html
> I thought we would set Levels of Difficulty at a course level,
Err... "Thus, student can select default difficulty level (probably on
per-course basis),"
_student_ choses his default difficulty level on per-course basis (this
is not reflected
in scheme, yes). This is different from what creator of a course does...
>  you have
> getDifficultyLevel() only in "Problem" interface.
> Is it on purpose?
Not on purpose. Just that the diagram is far from being even half-baked.
It lays down some ideas, but that's it.
> 2. We have more access levels(delete, grant access, perhaps revoke access)
> than you mentioned in ACL::operations enumeration.
> http://www.total-knowledge.com/wiki/index.php/UU_Database#ACL_implementation
> Should I add any of them?
> 3. Regarding Tests functionality.
> You have class Test that for this, but the DB schema doesn't handle this
> kind of functionality at all.
> Is it on purpose? Are we going to implement Test functionality in the
> first version?
No, we are not going to implement this in v1.
> 4. You mentioned that one-line functions will be defined in constractor.
Did I? This sentence makes no sense.
> As I understand we still have to list them in Model class diagram since
> they do access to the DB.
No, simple attribute accessors don't make access to DB.
>  For example, in interface "Explanation" you have
> getText() operation, but getTitle() is missed. Is it on purpose?
No, this isn't on purpose. Unless getTitle() is defined in its parent class.
> 5. You said that we were going to have our own base class derived from
> HttpServlet, is it "UUServlet" in View Controller diagram?
> Also I think we may need to add functions:
> saveUserActivity(inout req:HttpServletRequest) for tracking user activity
> getLanguage():int for retrieving user language.
That (or something like that) should already be there. I know it's in
the code draft :)
> We have to save it as preferred language in DB, maybe we need to add one
> more class to the Model diagram for that?
And how is User not sufficient?
>  Also login/password validation
> during Login or Registration will be on DB level, maybe this new class
> will handle this too?
And how is User not sufficient?

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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