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Re: UU pages mock-ups

> sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
>>> When one opens topic, some explanation should be shown by default.
>>> I think what we'll do, is assign two values to each explanation:
>>> difficulty
>>> level, and sequence number. There can be more then one explanation
>>> with same difficulty level. Sequence numbers should be unique within
>>> given difficulty level within given topic. Thus, student can select
>>> default
>>> difficulty level (probably on per-course basis), as one of his
>>> preferences.
>>> Then, when he opens a topic, an explanation at or below his default
>>> difficulty level with lowest sequence number is displayed.
>>> (I have to add this all to feature spec...)
>> Done. Author sets as many levels of difficulty as he likes on Course
>> level.
> Good. And now, how does one link explanation to topic, topic to course,
> problem to any of them, etc.?
> You took out your original linking way, but forgot to add new one ;-)

It still there, but now I changed it to make it look more obvious(it's
available on CourseEdit.html, TopicEdit.html, ProblemEdit.html. Not all
redirects work as intented, but you get the idea)

>>> Catalog organization. I think I wrote that we need to categorize our
>>> objects,
>>> and we even came up with categorization parameters.
>>> http://www.total-knowledge.com/progs/uu/archive/msg00084.html
>>> Please reflect that in your mock-ups.
>> Done. There is a "Catalog" link on the left navigation bar. Search
>> results
>> will have a similar look
> ^|^...
> We'll have to think about it separately.

Made some changes to it

>>> Now, about your "texts" idea. I think it's possible, we just need to
>>> clarify
>>> it a bit. Is "text" a kind of "media object", that can be
>>> included/referenced?
>>> How will it show up, how do we version them, how do authors actually
>>> use it?
>> Yes, it may be included/referenced to any object, not just dialogs. It
>> may
>> show up as a short inscription at the beginning of an object content
>> view,
>> like epigraphs that somehow related to the content that follows them.
>> Authors will be able to create their own texts, version them, share with
>> other authors.
>> Once again, I suggest this feature only because we have Text object
>> already and because it's very similar to the way we deal with
>> tests/problems objects
> Except that it's not ;-)
> Basically - there is no point in separate text. If it's a real shareable
> object, it'll be of some other, already defined type. Text class
> in model view is for presentation purposes only.

Baba s vozu, kobyle legche.

>>> Some page-by page questions (if any of these can be answered by
>>> giving me a link to feature-spec section, then just give the link):
>>> http://gateway.total-knowledge.com/~sergey/UU/Author/CourseCreate.html
>>> What is "References" field?
>> I found "References" in
>> http://www.total-knowledge.com/wiki/index.php/UU_Page_Flow
>> Not quite sure what it is, I removed it for now.
> Hmpf.. I wish we wrote down what we meant back then ;-)
>>> How do you expect to blend different types of problem solvers in a
>>> single page?
>> http://gateway.total-knowledge.com/~sergey/UU/Author/ProblemCreate.html
>> Don't understand this one. Can you please elaborate?
> There are multiple-choice problems, there are template-based problems,
> etc.
> Each has completely different way of storing/presenting itself. How do
> you allow
> them all to be created?
>>> http://gateway.total-knowledge.com/~sergey/UU/Author/TestCreate.html
>>> What is "generate using 5 random problems" thing?
>> I found it here:
>> http://www.total-knowledge.com/wiki/index.php/UU
> No - this is just a link to functional spec. I need a link to exact
> section.
> (If you find that section in table of contents and click on it, you'll
> see)
>> removed it for now.
>>> http://gateway.total-knowledge.com/~sergey/UU/Author/Account.html
>>> What is "My co-authors" thing?
>> Removed it from My account, but still have list of co-authors on the
>> Home
>> page. I think it's a list all author's co-authors that participated in
>> creatinf shared objects.
> So, how is it linked to person then? You realize that each object
> has its own set of authors, right?
>>> Now, common things:
>>> "Click here to assign..." - maybe it does make sense, but I think the
>>> other
>>> direction will be more common. I.E. someone will go to some topic, and
>>> add
>>> subtopics to it. In most cases, when one will create topic, he'll want
>>> to
>>> do
>>> something like
>>> Click on add subtopic->edit/save that subtopic, and expect it to be
>>> part
>>> of parent topic immediately.
>>> You have similar page flow on "Create Test" page already.
>> Done.
>> "Create New" links on the left navigation bar will be used for creating
>> child object for _current_ object on all View/Edit pages. If no parent
>> object info in environment(like on My account page etc), child objects
>> will be assigned to TLT(course).
> And what if I want to add pre-existing object to current one?

You find this object(add it to the "objects basket"?), click on it and
save it. Breadcrumbs will show the last path you visited within a course.
You will have an option to add it to other eligible objects too.
Javascript on "Save" event will prompt user on his action. Or go to the
current Object view and add a wanted object to it using "Objects" top
navigation bar.

> Also, the fact that creating new object will add it to current object
> needs to be reflected in GUI more explicitly (it's rather unobvious).

Agree, breadcrumbs and messages like "Object created and successfully
added to current parent object" should help

> Also, object may be created as stand-alone, just to be placed in
> repository for future use/sharing. This needs to be reflected as well.
User will have to use links under "Create new"(the only functionality
those links will be used) on the left navigation bar in order to do it. No
breadcrumbs in this case, message will say that object created and placed
in repository.

Still working on other things above and student pages(some are available

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