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Re: UU Object Diagram

> Alexey Parshin wrote:
>> Actually, the way I understood it, it supposed to be something like
>> this:
>> - beginner
>> - intermediate
>> - advanced
>> - master
>> If we keep it that way - the implementation and use are pretty simple..

> What if we allow to have unlimited number-marked difficulty levels
> (Sergey's idea?)  and,  assign  kind of "mask-names" (like those
> proposed by Alexey) for  GUI  only to the first  four of them?

I agree with Alexey that having fixed number of difficulty levels makes
things pretty simple, having fixed names for them is even better.
The problem with that is a lack of flexibility. Some authors don't want
any levels of difficulty at all(maybe not just because thier course is
really only for students of the same level of knowledge, but because they
don't want to distinguish them).
Others want to use different titles for difficulty levels, something like
1. Genius
2. Average
3. I'm an idiot

Others may want to use standard levels provided by UU, in mockups we have
- beginner
- intermediate
- advanced
I personally don't like "master" level as one of the default ones, but I
bet that 99% of Russian-speaking programmers will jump on this one right
away no matter what this course about.

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