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Re: UU Courses and classes

I think I finally understood what you asked :)
Every UMO _will_ have an admin group.

Alexey Parshin wrote:
We are back to the same question. What is correct:

1) We have a single admin group for a TLT


2) Every UMO may have admin group


2007/5/15, Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh < ilya@total-knowledge.com <mailto:ilya@total-knowledge.com>>:

    Hmm.. There are two different things here. One is Group Admin -
    i.e. the
    that can manage group itself, and another one is UMO admin - it is
    to change certain UMO properties (i.e. grant permissions to UMO to
    certain groups,
    or set auto-granting rules). Initially I thought the second one, in
    regards to course
    would be equivalent to "Edit/Publish" permissions, but you are right,
    this is stupid.
    Let's create a new permission for that, and make it separate. In that
    case course
    admin and course editor do not have to be related.

    So, to summarize:
    at UMO creation time following groups are automatically created,
    and creator
    is made member of:
    - UMO admins
    - UMO editors

    At UMO linking time, if parent UMO author  is also child UMO admin,
    he is offered a possibility to auto-add all parent UMO admins to child
    UMO admin group
    and all parent UMO editors to child UMO editors (these are two

    Alexey Parshin wrote:
    > I think we have to add 'ADMIN' permission type. I then can add the
    > procs to manage admin to group relationships. It may be useful
    for any
    > group.
    > 2007/5/15, Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh < ilya@total-knowledge.com
    > <mailto:ilya@total-knowledge.com
    >     Alexey Parshin wrote:
    >     > This 'COURSE ADMINS' group - is the only question. I
    understood that
    >     > it should include all the authors of any UMO within TLT
    tree. Is
    >     that
    >     > true?
    >     No. That is the slight change from requirements I meant.
    >     - Course admin group is created when the course is created.
    >     - Course admin group contains the course creator initially
    >     - Course creator can add other people to the course admin
    >         group later, and then they'll be able to work on the
    >         and become actual co-authors.
    >     - Any of admins can remove other admins
    >     As a bit of extra functionality, when an object one owns
    (has admin
    >     rights to)
    >     is added to the course, the person adding it should be able
    to say
    >     "add
    >     all course
    >     admins to this object", so that when multiple people work on
    a course,
    >     they can
    >     all work on each-other's objects.
    > Does it mean that we gonna have admin group on the level of UMO, not
    > just TLT?
    >     I think we need Anatoly to look over this, and tell us if
    this makes
    >     sense from
    >     user perspective.
    >     --
    >     Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
    >     Total Knowledge. CTO
    >     http://www.total-knowledge.com
    > --
    > Alexey Parshin,
    > http://www.sptk.net

    Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
    Total Knowledge. CTO
    http://www.total-knowledge.com <http://www.total-knowledge.com>

Alexey Parshin,

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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