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Re: UMO Edit screenshot, take two

Alexey Parshin wrote:
> 2008/9/5 Anatoly Volynets <av@total-knowledge.com>
>> Some more. "Translate" button is above "Select a Language" drop-down.
>> They have to either trade places or even better be joint in "Translate
>> to:" drop-down, which would start translation as soon as language selected.
> Translate button and combobox can be swapped - it isn't a big deal. I was
> just trying to make a sentence: [Translate to] [Language].

OK, swap it is.

>> Generally, order of 4 controls "Publish", "Translate to:", "Save" and
>> "Delete" has to be well thought of. Probably "Delete this Object" button
>> has to be placed somewhere aside, say - in very top right corner. Also,
>> we had specified (I think) something like "Unpublish" (could be also
>> "Peer review", etc. options, so that "Publish" would either be an item
>> in a drop-down, or in option button).
> It's the first time I hear about Unpublish. Before, it was always stated
> that Publish is final. Can you give me a link on description?

I don't do references for a lot of undocumented changes have happened.
Am not insisting on "Unpublish", but definitely remeber there were
different options on par with "Publish"

>> Two controls "Language(?)" and "View" can also be joint in drop-down
>> "View in:" which acts on selection.
> The approach 'execute after selected in dropdown' isn't used for the
> following reasons:
> 1) I was limited not to use JS (please confirm)
> 2) It is good for View (because it doesn't modify anything)  but dangerous
> for Translate (one may just want to see the list of languages)

One reason (#1) is enough.

>> Anatoly Volynets wrote:
>>> Below is the same message as the previous one with few corrections.
>>> The UI presented looks like if we agreed that _any_ UMO can have as a
>>> child and be a child of _any_ UMO. For example a Problem can have a
>>> Course child. I conclude this because example presented contains DOT
>>> (Dialogue of Texts) as a child of Topic, while there initially were 3
>>> top level UMOs: Course, DOT and Through Problem. I don't actually mind,
>>> but am not sure that was meant to be so from technical point of view.
> Not exactly. The screen shows Edit UMO, and presents all the children that
> exist for this UMO. The attaching UMO is a diffrent story and would depend
> on UMO type. It would be added on this screen on the next iteration, and
> would not allow to attach incorrect UMO types. And DOT is another story
> because they contain references not children :)

What is "attaching UMO"? Is there any on the screen presented?

>>> I don't think a field title (Language, Description, Action) needs to be
>>> copied with every single UMO. Its content is intuitive, thus title can
>>> be either omitted or stated one or two times - at the top and bottom of
>>> the corresponding column. General names like "Explanation" need not to
>>> be there, because they are repeated in "Explanation 1" etc. names. If
>>> column titles used, it can be "Object Type" there.
> The 'Explanation1' is just the test record. It has the word 'Explanation' in
> it just by a coincidence. It can be anything like 'Speaking of the bunnies'.
> So, the idea of using general names here is to indicate the child UMO group,
> since the children UMOs are of the different types. The screen is also
> missing 'Attach' button in every group of the child UMOs.

It seems preferable to add UMO type in its name field instead of general
column titles. The reason #1: if there are a lot of children of one type
the type is missing and forces a viewer to run up to verify the type.
The reason #2: other titles are obvious, so the entire "Title line" just
fills some space in the end.

BTW, "Edit UMO" is quite functional as "Edit" in my view.

>>> Functionally the page is fine. Graphic design bothers no one as of
>>> today... I think.
>>> Alexey Parshin wrote:
>>>> Now - with lemon juice! Oh, sorry - with request language support.
>>>> Description:
>>>> By default, UMO content and title are shown in user preferred language,
>> or
>>>> in this UMO default language - whatever is available.
>>>> The new feature, request language, allows to select view language from
>>>> available (translated) languages in this UMO' content. Once selected,
>> this
>>>> language is passed to any operations performed on this UMO from UMO Edit
>>>> page such as:
>>>>    - Save
>>>>    - Edit child UMO
>>>>    - Publish
>>>> Translate UMO operation also changes the request language to the
>> language of
>>>> translation, so Translate operation shows UMO in the correct language.
>>>> Since last time unrelated screen elements caused some confusion, I've
>> cut
>>>> off everything but the work area.
>> --
>> Anatoly Volynets, President
>> total-knowledge.com
>> culturedialogue.org

Anatoly Volynets, President

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