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Re: UU database: problem tables

2006/9/26, Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh <ilya@total-knowledge.com>:
On a related note, problem (just like any other object actually)
can belong to more then one topic, more then one test, etc.
Same is true for topic->subtopic relationship.

On the other hand, there is 0-1:1 relationship between course and
topic. I.E. like we talked about earlier, course is just an administrative
unit, wrapping single top-level topic.

Why a course may have only one topic? I probably missed something, but I see no reason why course may not have several topics.. Otherwise, we don't need two entities for the same thing.

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh wrote:
> Alexey Parshin wrote:
>>     Alexey Parshin wrote:
>>     > Actually,
>>     > I expected that single problem may be  offered to many students,
>>     and
>>     > every student may have personal solution with personal access and
>>     > personal status.
>>     That is correct. However, status is not part of ACL entry. That is why
>>     they have to be separate
>>     tables. Basically status may stay ( i.e . for scoring purposes)
>>     even after
>>     student loses any access
>>     to the problem.
>> Interesting. In this case,
>> 1) The present structure, one problem -> many solutions(one per person
>> or even many per person) is correct, isn't it? Please, confirm.
> I actually didn't think about more then one solutions
> per-person+problem, but I guess it is actually possible.
> At least I don't see any good reason to limit database from allowing it.

I take it as a confirmation :)

Alexey Parshin,

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