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Re: Db pool [was: My little comments to CPP code]

sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
>> sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
>>>> sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
>>>>> - What pooling strategies we want to support (and why)
>>>>> 1. Close connections that have not been used for a specified time.
>>>>> 2. Queueing connections. If there is max connections for the pool
>>>>> specified, then objects requesting a connection can be put on hold
>>>>> until
>>>>> another object frees its connection.
>>>> How about fixed number of connections open at creation time?
>>>> For example, make it as large as CPPSERV's thread pool? This
>>>> way we'll always have a connection ready when a request arrives.
>>> I got the idea and I see that thread pool size retrieved from engine.xml
>>> or set to 15 if not presented in engine.xml.
>>> Looks like I'll have to parse engine.xml too to get this number for DB
>>> pool.
>> Of course not. It's all parsed for you already. Just add an app-level
>> parameter
> Ok, I'll get it from ServerConfig::GlobalContext using
> getGlobalParam("num_threads") in InitServlet.
Let me repeat. No.  Just add an app-level parameter.

> uuDBPool() constructor will take these value as the parameter. At this
> point that is the only value that will be taken by uuDBPool() constructor.
>>>>> - How will pooling and HTTP request object lifetimes will interoperate
>>>>> Pool initialized at init() time(not sure about this one), then the
>>>>> same
>>>>> connection can be used for subsequent requests. Since servlets can
>>>>> keep
>>>>> information between requests, a pool lives longer then HTTP request.
>>>> And what happens to connection during request processing?
>>> It stays open. That's the whole point of having DB pool. When many hits
>>> arrive to the same servlet at once, the pool will open as many
>>> connections
>>> as needed (if not exceeded DB pool size).
>> Opening and closing are not the only things that can happen to
>> connections.
> Hereis the list of events that may happen to connections:
> 1. Connection can be opened.
> This will happen in uudb() class' constractor, db.open() will be called.
> uudb object created at InitServlet::init()
During request processing?
> 2. Connection can be closed.
> This will happen in uudb() class' destractor, db.close() will be called.
During request processing?
> 3. Connection can be checked in.
> I'll use std::list named m_connections that will contain all available for
> client Connections. When Connections checked in they are added to the end
> of m_connections. getConnection() operation will pick first available
> connection from m_connections to get round-robin usage.
> If for some reason the connection that got picked is closed, I'll try
> again picking the first Connection in the m_connections.
> 4. Connection can be checked out.
> If Connection is available in m_connections it can be checked out and
> returned to client, the counter of checked out Connections will be
> incremented.
> If no Connection is available in the m_connections and the maxConn limit
> has not been reached, new Connection will be created and checked out to
> client(the counter of checked out Connections will be incremented).
> 5. Connection can be released.
> Connection can be returned to the pool. It will be added at the end of
> m_connections and number of checked out connections will be decremented.
What is the difference between 3 and 5?
>> You mixed up system-level signals (as in signal(2)), and inter-thread
>> signals, as implemented by CWaiter::sendSignal() & friends.
>> Ideas below are close, but not quite right. Re-think with this note
>> in mind.
> Ok, that's how I think it will work:
> 1. When any connection is closed, CWaiter sends a signal(there are 2
> options: with lock and without) to the connection queue.
> 2. Connection queue constantly checks for a signal (if there are no
> available connections).
> 3. If signal is present, the connection is added to m_connections.
> So basically it's like waiting in line in the bank until the teller gives
> a signal "Next".
I have a feeling you are missing large piece of scenario here.
Who is waiting in line, and for what? Assign your roles properly.
>> What connection? Didn't we decide that connection is used during single
>> request?
> Yes, the connection is used during single request.
So it has nothing to do with when user leaves the site.
> Whenever we call libdm class from servlet it will open DB connection and
> login() stored procedure will be called, b/c libdm classes get uudb&
> handle as as an argument to constructor.
> After job for this servlet is done, the ~uudb() will close DB connection
> and call logout() stored procedure.
So, what if you have two model-layer classes, that need to perform some
related actions on single database connection during single request?

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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