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Re: Db pool [was: My little comments to CPP code]

sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
> Here you go...
> - What is our pool responsible for.
> It responsible for managing DB connections.
> When a servlet needs a database connection, it requests an available one
> from the pool. If none is available, a new one is created and added to the
> pool.
> Also it should close connections that have not been used for a specified
> time and responsible for queueing connections.
What does "queuing connections" mean?
> - What pooling strategies we want to support (and why)
> 1. Get an open connection from the pool.
> We need a connection to provide user access to DB.
> 2. Return a connection to the pool.
> We need to count connections in the pool
> 3. Release all resources and close all connections at shutdown.
> We need to loop through all connections and close them on shutdown to
> clear the pool.
> 4. Setting up connection time-outs and communication failures.
> We need to set up timeouts for queueing and recognize and clean up
> "failure" connections.
> 5. Limit the number of connections in the pool to a predefined value.
> Set the max limit to make sure the pool is not overloaded.
These are not strategies. These are functions. Should have been in previous
section. And "close connections when they are unused for period of time"
is an example of pooling strategy.
> - How will pooling and HTTP request object lifetimes will interoperate
> DB connection lives within HTTP request lifetime.
Why bother with pooling then? Just open the damn connection, then close
it in the end.
> - What will API look like
> 1. The uudb() constructor that takes these parameters:
> string login,
> string password,
> int server(this one is needed for login() proc),
> string sessionid(needed for login() proc, not really used now),
> int maxCon(max connections for this pool),
What does uudb class represent? Whole pool? Single connection?
> 2. Connection getConnection() { return con; } to get an open connection
> from the pool.
> 3. Connection newConnection() { return con; } to create a new connection.
> 4. Connection getConnection( long timeout ) { return con; } to get a
> connection from the pool, 'timeout' is a value for how long the client is
> waiting for a connection.
Why do you need these three different functions?
> 5. void returnConnection(Connection con) used for returning a connection
> to the pool.
Usually function responsible for returning connections to the pool
is called "release" or some such.
> 6. void shutdown() closes all connections in the pool.
> - Provide few use cases relevant for our application
> "DB Pool" diagram created(uu.xmi attached).
I meant describe in words, not draw pretty pictures :)
What I want is: scenario (who does what) and then how
pool API plays into it.

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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