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Re: UU code

Hint: you already made a library. Now you need to link with it.

However, in reality it shouldn't be lust libUser.so, but rather a
library that will have all the UI support classes...

sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
> I tried "make ADON_VERBOSE=1" and I see that RegisterServlet can "see"
> /libdm directory.
> g++ debug/./libui/RegisterServlet.o  -Ldebug/./libdm -Ldebug/./libui
> -Ldebug/./themes  -lspdb3 -lsputil3  -shared -o
> debug/./libui/RegisterServlet.so
> Since User.cpp is not a servlet I defined it in libdm/Makefile.adon as
> noinst_LTLIBRARIES:=User
> noinst_HEADERS:=User.h
> User_SOURCES:=User.cpp
> In RegisterServlet.cpp I use
> #include "../libdm/User.h"
> I see that some programms on internet have includes with pathes, so it
> should be ok too.
> I understand that there should be a class library with inter-class
> relationships, but have no idea how to create it.
> Please give me hints.
>> If you build with verbose output on (make ADON_VERBOSE=1)
>> you'll know what goes where.
>> sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
>>> Another question is regarding library path.
>>> In my /trunk directory where engine.xml located I use this path to start
>>> servlets:
>>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../cppserv/debug/src/libcserv:./debug/sharedata
>>> ../../cppserv/debug/src/container/cppserv -P eng.pid -c engine.xml
>>> All my *.h files defined in each directory Makefile.adon. I can compile
>>> my
>>> code without any errors, but get this kind of errors when start
>>> symbol lookup error: ./debug/libui/RegisterServlet.so: undefined symbol:
>>> _ZN9UUServletC1Ev.
>>> As I understand I have to add some files to the library. The question is
>>> where this library located? Should I add this library to the
>> --
>> Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
>> Total Knowledge. CTO
>> http://www.total-knowledge.com

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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