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Granting access to UMO

I'd like to discuss work flow of granting access
to a UMO. The way I see it is as follows:
1. User goes to the "UMO view" page
2. If user is a member of the UMO admin group,
   corresponding buttons ("Add Editor", "Add Translator", etc.)
   show up.
3. Once button is clicked, the user is presented with a "user
   search form" (TBD: what search criteria do we need to support?)
4. Once target user is found, the admin selects him, and finalises
   the grant.
5. Admin is sent to back to the "UMO view" page, with success
   confirmation message.

1. Is there a way to make it easier on user?
2. How shall admin search for target user?

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh

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