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Re: My little comments to CPP code

I wonder, what do you actually store as the attribute in the following code:

ctx.setAttribute<uudb>("handle", *db);

other than that, I'd suggest you add 'm_' prefix to any member variable in any class. That makes it easier to distinguish class members from anything else.

2007/3/21, sergey@total-knowledge.com <sergey@total-knowledge.com>:
Ok, finally I have my version of DB pool working. However, since the pool
should somehow take care of the login credentials, I have a question
regarding passing login/password to it.
I'm not going to send diffs since the code is far from decent even imho.
Here is the pool(I still use CODBCDatabase, but I remember that it should
be replaced with CDatabase):


uudb::uudb() : handle("DSN=PostgreSQL;UID=sergey;PWD=;DATABASE=uu")
  string login = "sergey";
  string password = "password12";
  int server = 1;
  string sessionid = "test";
  connect(login, password, server, sessionid);


void uudb::connect(string login, string password, int server, string

  try {
    CQuery loginQuery(&handle,"select login(:login,:password,:server)");
    loginQuery.param("login") = login;
    loginQuery.param("password") = password;
    loginQuery.param("server") = server;
  catch (exception& e) {
    cout<<"\nError: " <<e.what();


void uudb::disconnect()

  try {
    CQuery logoutQuery(&handle,"select logout()");
  catch (exception& e) {
    cout<<"\nError: " <<e.what();


The question is how do I pass those login, password, server parameters to
connect()? Where do I get them, from request context? But since it's first
called in init() we don't have those params yet.

Here is how handle saved in context:


void InitServlet::init()

  ServletContext& ctx = getServletConfig().getServletContext();
  uudb* db = new uudb();
  ctx.setAttribute<uudb>("handle", *db);



Here is how I retrieve handle(or better say uudb object) from context in


UUServlet::handle_t UUServlet::getHandle() const
  ServletContext& ctx = getServletConfig().getServletContext();
  handle_t handle;
  handle = ctx.getAttribute <uudb>("handle");
  return handle;

This handle passed to User model class:


User::User(uudb& pool) : m_pool(pool)

CQuery qrySelect(&(m_pool.handle),"select pl_id from person_list where
pl_login=:login and pl_password=:password");

The application does the job except handling login credentials in uudb().

Alexey Parshin,

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