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Re: Teachers

My comments are below, mixed with the text.

2006/12/13, sergey@total-knowledge.com <sergey@total-knowledge.com >:
I'm opening a new thread for discussing Teachers functionality in the UU.
We have some Teacher related stuff in the specs:


but I think it's time to extend it.

Here is the list of Teacher's activities that may be available in the UU:

1. Pass the comments to Student after he solves a problems and passes the
solution to Teacher. Ability to see list of all outstanding problems for
all Students

Define "outstanding". Is it a list of problems available in the topic but not solved yet? Since the course is just Top-Level-Topic, it should go down the structure  of all child topics..

2. Add/Remove Students from his Course

Meaning - assigning permissions to the Top-Level-Topic and all sub topics? Imho, we don't add/remove students - we operate with permissions instead.

3. Assign Course or any other UMO within a Course to a Student.

Same as above, mostly.

4. Set grades(ratings) to a Student.

We may have grades for problems. The resulting grade should be computed from these grades. We can also add the structure that supports something like "graduation". This structure should be filled by  the system and by the teacher, switching the whole course for a student to read-only. After that, student has his grade for the course and can't change anything..

5. Assign Students to certain difficulty levels within a Course.(Student
will be able to see only UMOs of certain difficulty level)

If the difficulty level is set ONLY by the teacher - then it makes sense. However, maintaining such structure could be difficult. Instead, we can use something like:

select all the objects within the course matching the conditions, and grant/revoke access to these objects to/from a group of users.

The conditions may include anything from the object. If the difficulty level or language are used in conditions, we may apply it to child objects accordingly.

6. Ability to change any UMO difficulty level within a Course(No new
version should be created)

That's a simple part.

7. Sets the price for a Course

We don't have a support for this in the database at the moment. It's pretty simple if we are talking about Top-Level-Topic only.

8. Chooses his prefered language(s) for the Course from the list of
available languages for this Course.

Does it apply for the Top-Level-Topic, or forevery topic?

9. Ability to hide(not update) from Student certain UMOs in the Course
that he teaches.

What for?

Alexey Parshin,

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