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Re: Latest DB schema

2006/11/3, Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh <ilya@total-knowledge.com>:
1. There are many different "solution" types. Teacher-verified is only
one of them.
    (all others are actually verified automatically, immediately upon
solution submission)
I just updated that page with some specifics on what each solution type is.

For automatically-checked solutions we need a stored proc that can verify them. It can be called from the trigger, on solution submition.

2. Teachers are tied to a course. This means we'll have to build fairly
query to figure out who the problem solution for teacher-checked problems
gets submitted to.

I don't think we need to submit anything to the teacher(s). We have notifications. If the solution is submitted - a teacher may received a notification. The alternative solution - a teacher simply browses all the solutions on all the problems in the topic where he is a teacher.

3. Remember - we store all solutions submitted to problems forever
(regardless of their current access to given problem)

I don't see the problem here. The student access to modify a solution is revoked at the submit moment. But the solution stays forever.

Can you explain how you are addressing (or plan to address) all of above?

Alexey Parshin wrote:
> The problem is solved, if solution is presented and signed by some
> teacher.
> While placing the signature is trivial (another table with id and two
> references, to solution and to teacher), we still have to think on how
> to enforce the "teacher" role. Is it one of the ACLs for the problem?
> 2006/11/3, Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh < ilya@total-knowledge.com
> <mailto:ilya@total-knowledge.com>>:
>     OK. This looks very good to me. Even better then what I had originally
>     in mind
>     (Per-object notifications, that would be sent to all authors in
>     case of
>     referenced
>     object change). Per-object per-user preferences are certainly better!
>     Now, another thing that Sergey brought up, and which wasn't
>     answered yet:
>     >> Also how do we know if a problem was "solved"/"not yet solved"
>     by student?
> --
> Alexey Parshin,
> http://www.sptk.net

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

Alexey Parshin,

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