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Re: Latest DB schema

sergey@total-knowledge.com wrote:
> I found some more, not sure if it's overlooked on purpose or not.
> 1. No tables to handle Tests functionality.
Testing is post-V1 functionality probably. Definitely post V0.5
> 2. person_list table is missing login, password, email, zipcode fields.
That'll be added - relationships between tables are our primary focus
> 3. topic_list is missing course price field.
Pricing/payment/etc. is all v2 functionality. We don't have any specifics
in specification (nor elsewhere).
> Also how do we know if a problem was "solved"/"not yet solved" by student?
Now, this is very good question. Belkman?

Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh
Total Knowledge. CTO

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