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fixes needed+

0. I couldn't manage browsing. Looks like it gives courses, but nothing
else: there is "Browse" button after you set a filter.

1. Registration requires US "State" while the country may be different

2. Email is optional, but this needs contemplation - we do need some
communication channel to a user. Can we ask for skype, irc, other way to
connect, with one of the user's choice to be mandatory?

3. Authoright: 2001-Present

4. Spell checking is needed

5. I created one course and one topic to subordinate the couse, but
couldn't find a way to link them. Well, actually I tried to "Add
existing" to the course and chose the topic, but it haven't appeared in
the course Content.

6. There is short description of UMOs in catalog which just disrupts the
real description. I think "..." sign and some words like (click on the
title to read more)  is to be added in the end.

7... Need to learn how to join UMOs for further testing

Anatoly Volynets, President

Authoright © Total Knowledge: 2001-2008