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Re: User registration/authentication

Ok, to resume:

1. The very first operation during request proccessing will be
getConnection() con_1 without login/password.
login() proc will be called with empty login or will not be called at all.
I prefer second option since in both cases session_info won't have any
records, and therefore it won't be any access to privileged tables.
2. con_1 is used for checking if user logged-in using userid that is
stored in HttpSession after successful login/registration.
	2-1. User not-logged-in.
		2-1-1. There is no DB operation on this servlet that requires
			2-1-1-1. con_1 released after DB communication job is done. logout()
proc is not called.
		2-1-2. There is a DB operation on this servlet that requires
			2-1-2-1. User redirected to login. con_1 released, logout() proc is not
	2-2. User logged-in.
		2-2-1. con_1 is used for getting login, password, server from DB using
userid from HttpSession.
		2-2-2. con_1 released. logout() proc is not called.
		2-2-3. Call getConnection(login, password,..) which returns con_2.
login() proc called with login/password.
		2-2-4  con_2 released after DB communication job is done. logout() proc
is called.

Regarding steps 2-1-1. and 2-1-2.
If the DB operation needs authentication, it will return 'access denied'

Please comment.

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