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Re: UU: keeping track of user and his access

Actually it should be derived from HttpServletRequestWrapper

Flow would be:
UuServlet::Service(HttpServletRequest& req, HttpServletResponse& resp)
    Check Access
    if (access denied and no user lgged in)
       redirect to login page
    UuRequest uuReq(req);
    UuResponse uuResp(resp);
        this->service(uuReq, uuResp);
    catch(UuAccessException& e)
       forward to access exception page

Alexey Parshin wrote:
> Ok, this sounds good. I understand that UuRequest should be derived from
> HttpServletRequest. However, it isn't clear to me - where/how UuRequest
> should be created/released.
> 2008/11/10 Alexey Parshin <alexeyp@gmail.com>
>> I will think about it.
>> 2008/11/10 Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh <ilya@total-knowledge.com>
>> BTW, another good candidate for inclusion in UuRequest class,
>>> is database connection acquisition functionality. If we use UuRequest,
>>> we don't need the CAutoConnection, especially if we need to pass it
>>> around to different functions (I presume that if we need db info, we'll
>>> need the request object as well anyways).
>>> Thus, I'm thinking something like
>>> CConnection* UuRequest::getDb()
>>> {
>>>    if(!m_db)
>>>       m_db = ....
>>>    return m_db;
>>> }
>>> And then UuRequest::~UuRequest can release the connection back to the
>>> pool ...
>>>    Ilya.
>>> Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh wrote:
>>>> There is an important thing I want to change in the way
>>>> libui is organized. Right now every page has to check
>>>> for login info explicitly. Then each page does something
>>>> own (usually just gives an error message).
>>>> What I think should happen in case of access error, is
>>>> redirect to the login page, followed by redirect back to
>>>> the source page, after login is done. This is in case user
>>>> wasn't logged in at all. If, however, user was logged in,
>>>> but doesn't have access to the relevant action on an object,
>>>> he should get a message which describes ways to get a hold
>>>> of such access. For example, if someone tries to edit a topic,
>>>> which he/she doesn't own, a message with contact info of
>>>> owners should be displayed.
>>>> The first part can be achieved as follows:
>>>> 1. We implement UuServlet::service function, which will _never_
>>>>    be overridden by derived classes.
>>>> 2. UuServlet::service() first retrieves user info
>>>> 3. There is abstract virtual bool UuServlet::access(User*)=0; function
>>>> 4. UuServlet::service calls access(User*) function (NULL means
>>>>    no login info available)
>>>> 5. If access returns false, we save current page in session attribute
>>>>    and redirect to the login page
>>>> 6. If access() returns true, we call UuServlet::service(UuRequest&,
>>>> UuResponse&)
>>>>    (UuRequest and UuResponse classes are derived from
>>>> Http{Request,Response}Wrapper
>>>>     classes, and add ways to access User object of the session, if
>>>> present, along
>>>>     with some other request-specific info, which we might find useful.)
>>>> Obviously,
>>>>     this service function is abstract as well.
>>>> We might be able to satisfy second requirement, by wrapping whole
>>>> access() and service() calls into a try/catch block, and providing
>>>> special UuAccessException, which can be thrown by either of these
>>>> functions, in case current user doesn't have enough access for current
>>>> action on current object. In the handler block for the exception we
>>> could
>>>> forward to a special CSP.
>>>>     Ilya.
>> --
>> Alexey Parshin,
>> http://www.sptk.net

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